Home»2019 Parker Water Ski Race Opener Photos
I think this was the first time rain was a serious concern for the 2019 Parker International Water Ski Race Season Opener for the years I have been shooting it. Saturday morning started off pretty dark and grey, but the rain never came. I’m guessing it was blown past us, but the strong winds that started at the end of the mini and got stronger for the women’s race, and was really blowing for the men’s race, as you can see in the photos. Sunday was beautiful sunny and almost perfect calm with just a little texture on the water. I was taking photos of the races upriver and various places along the course. The light wasn’t always the best on Saturday, but looked pretty dramatic so I still posted some photos of the racing action. The photos go in the order the races ran, so it will start with the Sprints on Saturday and end with the Men’s on Sunday. I should have photos of every class and everyone that skied that weekend. Quickest way to view all the photos is to click the “Show All” tab at the bottom of the page vs. hitting each page at a time. Thanks for stopping by and Enjoy.